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3 Resolutions Every Beauty Biz Should Make (and Actually Keep) in the New Year

By Boulevard Staff . Dec.31.2021
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The beauty businesses that embrace authenticity may define the industry over the coming year
Change is hard.
But there are rituals we’ve built that make turning over a new leaf just a little easier, and New Year’s is one of the best. From the champagne to the countdown, the entire experience is geared to help us appreciate where we’ve been — and figure out where we want to go next.
From adopting efficient processes to doubling down on social issues, we've got all the inspiration you need to make this your business’s best year yet.
Clean house
The approach of the new year has many of us thinking about how we could be better versions of ourselves — and the same is true for managers and the beauty business they run. As you give your salon, spa, or barbershop a few mental once-overs, think about the areas of operation that could use a tune-up — or a complete overhaul. Many businesses could see a substantial uplift in performance if they could increase the efficiency of critical processes like booking, scheduling, inventory, and reporting. To put the pedal to the metal in those areas, consider adopting new tech in the new year.
Be the business you hope others see
Social media has made it easy for everyone to live double lives, including businesses. While disappointing to discover in people, this lack of authenticity can completely derail a company. Fortunately, there are a few best practices that you can implement to make sure your business is living its truth in 2022. These include detailed expectation setting by the leadership for all aspects of company culture, the regular gathering of transparent feedback from employees, and prioritizing the company’s investment in its people. The endless pursuit of integrity is good business — and it feels good too — so why not recommit to this principle over the next year?
Put the “act” in activism
The last few years have brought the spotlight on racism, sexism, and their effects throughout our culture. While much of the response to this evolving conversation has existed on social media, action is the true measure of contribution. For beauty businesses interested in taking a more substantial stand on these issues, there are many concrete ways to do so. One potential avenue is the 15 Percent Pledge, which challenges beauty businesses to dedicate at least 15% of their shelf space to Black-owned brands. Another is gender-neutral pricing: an inclusive pricing strategy that is likely favored by most of your clientele. While there are certainly more ways for businesses to walk the talk in 2022, don’t let perfect be the enemy of the good: Every step counts.
The era of authenticity
While they’ve been hard on everyone, 2020 and 2021 did come with a silver lining: They’ve given us a chance to figure out who we really are. Beauty businesses now have a clearer picture of their strengths, weaknesses, and values than they ever have. But knowledge is only half the battle.
Next comes implementation.
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